Exploring the intriguing question of how old Jesus and God are, this robust article peels away layers of belief and interpretation because understanding their ages could deepen your spiritual awareness and mindfulness.
Key takeaways:
- God is timeless and not bound by the linear progression of time.
- God’s eternal nature is fundamental to His character.
- Jesus started his public ministry around the age of 30.
- Jesus’s baptism marked the commencement of his public ministry.
- Jesus was approximately 33 years old at the time of his crucifixion.
How Old Is God?

In the realm of the divine, God transcends time. Scriptures denote that God is the alpha and omega, without beginning or end, thus existing outside the confines of the physical universe’s temporal dimension. To encapsulate this concept:
- Timelessness: Unlike humans, God is not bound by the linear progression of time.
- Scriptural References: The Bible describes God as the one “who was, and is, and is to come” (Revelation 1:8), indicating a perpetual existence.
- Metaphysical Presence: Different philosophical and theological interpretations emphasize that as the creator of time and space, God himself is uncreated.
- Eternal Nature: God’s eternality is fundamental to His character — He has always existed and always will exist.
This understanding of an eternal God provides a foundation for comprehending His role as the everlasting sovereign of the universe.
God Is Eternal

Within Christian theology, God is conceived as the Supreme Being, the Creator, and the principal object of faith. Unlike humans and the material universe, God is not bound by time and space. This concept holds that God has no beginning or end, signifying an existence beyond the constraints of temporal measurement.
Key points to understand God’s timelessness include:
- Timelessness: The theological stance maintains that God does not experience time in a linear fashion as humans do. Scriptures describe God as the “Alpha and Omega,” the beginning and the end, encapsulating a reality that is infinite and unchanging.
- Divine Nature: God’s eternal nature is part of what sets the divine apart from creation. Where everything in the universe has a lifespan and ages, God, by definition, is changeless and ageless.
- Scriptural References: Passages such as Psalm 90:2 (“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”) reinforce the belief in God’s eternal presence.
- Implications of Eternity: Understanding God’s eternal nature is foundational to grasping other attributes ascribed to God, such as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
By acknowledging the eternal aspect of God, one recognizes a being whose existence and essence are fundamentally different from anything else we comprehend, underscoring the mystery central to the divine character.
God Existed Before the World
In many religious texts, God is beyond the concept of time as we understand it. Christian theology posits that God does not age like humans or the universe because He is unbound by the physical laws that govern creation.
- Biblical scripture describes God as eternal, suggesting existence without beginning or end.
- The book of Genesis opens with the phrase “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” which indicates God’s presence prior to the formation of the cosmos.
- God’s timelessness is further emphasized in passages such as Revelation 1:8, where He is referred to as the “Alpha and Omega,” existing from everlasting to everlasting.
- Philosophically, the idea of God’s eternal nature implies an unchanging, ever-present force that stands apart from the created, temporal universe.
These concepts point to a belief in God as a timeless entity, underscoring His unique existence apart from the temporal realm that humans inhabit.
Life of Jesus
Jesus started his public ministry around the age of 30, after being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The exact age of his baptism is not recorded, but Luke 3:23 implies that Jesus was about 30 years old when he began teaching. His ministry spanned approximately three years, during which he traveled, preached, performed miracles, and gathered followers.
At approximately 33 years old, Jesus’ life culminated in what Christians commemorate as the Holy Week, encompassing his crucifixion, death, and resurrection. This timeframe draws from historical and Biblical accounts, particularly the Synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—which offer a chronological narrative of his activities and age.
At What Age Did Jesus Get Baptized?
According to the accounts depicted in the New Testament, Jesus’s baptism marked the commencement of his public ministry. This significant event is traditionally believed to have occurred when Jesus was about 30 years of age. Gospel narratives, particularly in the book of Luke (Luke 3:23), indicate Jesus was “about thirty years old” at the time of his baptism by John the Baptist. This age is noteworthy, as in Jewish culture, thirty was considered the age of maturity for leadership and priesthood.
The significance of Jesus’s baptism lies not in his age but in the event’s symbolism and its heralding of his public ministry. When Jesus emerged from the waters of the Jordan River, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove, affirming Jesus’s divine mission.
A key point to understand here is that Jesus’s baptism also represents a model for Christian initiation. It symbolizes purification, the start of a new life, and the recognition of Jesus as the Son of God.
How Old Was Jesus When He Stepped Into Ministry?
According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus began his public ministry at about thirty years of age. This phase of his life followed his baptism by John the Baptist, an event that marked the transition from his private life to his role as a public figure.
The initiation into ministry included his teaching, miracles, and gathering of the twelve disciples. The Gospels detail this time with accounts of Jesus traveling from town to town, speaking in synagogues, healing the sick, and spreading the message of repentance and the arrival of God’s kingdom.
This period, which lasted approximately three years, culminated in his crucifixion and resurrection.
How Old Was Jesus When He Died?
Historical and theological scholarship generally agree that Jesus was approximately 33 years old at the time of his crucifixion. This age estimation is gleaned from the gospel accounts, which suggest he ministered for about three years. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John provide a chronology of events leading to His crucifixion, although none explicitly state His age.
The start of His ministry, typically associated with His baptism by John the Baptist, hints at His being “about thirty years of age,” as per Luke 3:23. Adding the years of His public teaching provides the basis for the commonly accepted lifespan. However, there is no precise historical record to confirm the exact age, and interpretations vary slightly among scholars and Christian traditions.
Bible Verses About God’s Age
Scripture provides us with metaphors and language pointing to God’s timeless nature. Here are some key verses that reflect this concept:
Psalm 90:2 establishes God as the everlasting anchor of existence, stating, “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”
Revelation 1:8 presents God’s self-description, where He says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” signaling His presence at the beginning and end of all things.
In Exodus 3:14, God reveals His name to Moses as “I AM WHO I AM,” conveying an eternal presence, not bound by time.
Isaiah 57:15 refers to God as the “High and Lofty One” who inhabits eternity, further emphasizing His infinite existence.
These verses collectively paint a picture of God’s eternal domain beyond the confines of human timekeeping.
When Was Jesus Born?
Determining the exact birthday of Jesus Christ has been a challenging task for historians and theologians. The commonly celebrated date, December 25th, was not established based on definitive historical evidence, but rather by a decision of the early Christian church to coincide with pre-existing pagan winter solstice festivals.
The lack of a specific record in the Gospels and the differences in the Julian and Gregorian calendars further complicate pinpointing Jesus’s birth year. Scholarly consensus places the likely time frame between 6 and 4 BCE, based on historical events such as the reign of King Herod the Great and the Roman census.
While the day and month remain speculative, the significance of Jesus’s birth is undiminished for Christians. It signifies the incarnation, a foundational event in Christian theology, and its precise date is less important than the event’s religious significance.
How Old Would Jesus Christ Be Right Now?
Calculating Jesus Christ’s age in human terms involves historical and theological considerations. Historians generally agree that he was born around 4 to 6 B.C., based on historical records and the reign of Herod the Great. If we take the earliest estimate, 4 B.C., and add it to the current year, minus a year to account for the transition from B.C. to A.D., Jesus would be approximately 2027 years old.
However, from a theological perspective, Jesus, being the second Person of the Holy Trinity, is eternal like God the Father. As such, while his human form has an approximate historical age, his divine existence is beyond earthly time measurements. The age of Jesus as God incarnate transcends human understanding and is often contemplated as part of the infinite nature of the divine.
What is the age of Jesus?
Jesus Christ was approximately 33 years old at the time of his death.
How old is God in the Bible?
In the Bible, God is described as being everlasting, having no beginning or end, thus, it's impossible to determine His age.
When was God or Jesus born?
Jesus, revered as the Incarnation of God in Christianity, was born approximately between 6 and 4 BCE in Bethlehem.
What is the accurate birth date of Jesus according to historical research?
Historical research suggests that the accurate birth date of Jesus is unknown, although it is generally observed on December 25 by most Christian faiths.
According to the Bible, did God have a beginning?
No, according to the Bible, God did not have a beginning, it implicitly states that God is eternal and has always existed.
How is God's age perceived in different religious traditions?
God's age is perceived differently across various religious traditions, with Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam often portraying Him as eternal and timeless, while some faiths like Hinduism and ancient Greek religion attributing Him with anthropomorphic ages and life cycles.