No, it is scientifically impossible to levitate purely through meditation.
Diving right into the intriguing question, “is it possible to levitate while meditating?” – the simple answer is no, not in the physical sense. Despite captivating images and stories of meditating monks floating in the air, there’s no scientific evidence to support physical levitation during meditation.
However, the feeling of levitation, a sense of lightness and detachment from the physical body, is a common experience reported by meditators. This article will delve deeper into this fascinating subject, exploring the sensations, perceptions, and psychological states associated with meditation that may give rise to feelings of levitation.
So, while you may not physically lift off the ground, the journey inward can indeed take you to new heights.
Key takeaways:
- Levitation during meditation is scientifically impossible.
- The feeling of levitation is a common experience reported by meditators.
- Levitation during meditation may be seen as an illusion or psychophysiological phenomenon.
- Different cultures and meditation practices have different interpretations of levitation.
- Focus, tranquillity, and altered states of consciousness are associated with the perception of levitation.
Scientific Explanation of Levitation

The physical world is defined by universal laws, gravity being one. When any object, including the human body, defies gravity and appears to hover mid-air, this phenomenon is known as levitation. This curious act is often subject to scientific scrutiny, as it seemingly counteracts one of the fundamental laws of nature.
Primarily, the alleged levitation during meditation might be seen as an illusion or a psychophysiological phenomenon. Consequently, key points to fathom are:
- Psychic phenomena and consciousness: Some researchers explore the correlation between consciousness and reality. In this realm, levitation is considered a psychic phenomenon that can potentially occur due to altered states of consciousness during deep meditation.
- Quantum mechanics and entanglement: In quantum physics, particles separated by vast distances appear to be connected and affect each other’s states instantly. This principle of entanglement could hypothetically be extended to explain levitation, though this connection remains highly speculative.
- Psychokinesis or telekinesis: This is a purported ability that allows the mind to influence matter. Though widely discredited by the scientific community, it remains a popular theory within certain circles.
- Bioelectromagnetics: Some posit that levitation could result from changing the electromagnetic properties of the body. Once more, this is an unproven hypothesis.
Understanding levitation requires a detailed comprehension of these theories, though it’s crucial to approach with a critical mind, given the existing scientific consensus.
Perception of Levitation in Different Cultures and Meditation Practices

Eastern philosophies have been most actively involved in discussing levitation in the context of meditation practice. In Yoga, this phenomenon is referred to as “laghima” or “lightness,” an advanced siddhi, or spiritual power, mastered through intense discipline and meditation.
Buddhist literature recounts several occurrences of levitation, especially in the Jataka tales, where Buddha is depicted as floating in the air. In the spiritual realm of Tibetan Buddhism, it’s believed that accomplished monks can attain a state called “lung-gom-pa,” a trance-like meditation where they could seemingly defy gravity.
Similarly, Sufism, an Islamic mystical tradition, includes references to adherents transcending physical constraints during their profound contemplative states. This is often viewed more as a metaphorical ascension, expressing a closeness to the divine, rather than a literal physical elevation.
Western esoteric traditions, such as Kabbalah and Rosicrucianism, also contain references hinting towards levitation during profound meditative or ecstatic states. These instances, however, are usually interpreted symbolically rather than literal events.
In a nutshell, many cultures and meditation practices perceive levitation as an exceptional sign of spiritual attainment, although interpretations often vary between literal and metaphorical.
Associations Between Levitation and Meditation

Delving deeper into the relationship between meditation and levitation, it’s important to acknowledge the profound role of focus and tranquillity. These are two fundamental elements commonly practiced in meditation which allegedly facilitate the levitation process.
1. Deep Concentration: Practitioners claim that by achieving an intense concentration on a specific chakra or energy point within the body, physical boundaries can seemingly vanish, leading to the feeling of levitation.
2. Energy Manipulation: It’s suggested that through meditation, one can control the energy flow known as Prana or Qi within their body. According to some beliefs, this controlled energy can create a force that counteracts gravity.
3. Spiritual Evolution: Some traditions propose that high levels of spiritual evolution and enlightenment can make levitation possible. They assert that the enlightened mind has power over physical matter.
4. Altered States of Consciousness: During deep meditative states, altered perception of reality can occur. Some meditators report feeling lighter or as if floating, which is often interpreted as levitation.
5. Yoga Sutras and Siddhis: Ancient texts such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras refer to special powers or ‘Siddhis’. Levitation or ‘Laghima’, is one of these mystical abilities that derives from intense meditation practices.
These views resonate through various beliefs and cultures, arguing that the mind’s potential is limitless; a claim great philosophers like Socrates would endorse. However, scientific studies and validations of these experiences remain a necessary tool for deeper understanding of this intriguing subject.
Proposed Mechanisms Behind Levitation

Energizing the Subtle Body: Some theories suggest that levitation may occur when meditators accumulate an ample amount of pranic, or life energy, which could potentially cause the body to defy gravity.
Visualization Techniques: Others propose that the power of intense visualization and focused intention may temporarily alter the body’s physical properties, allowing experienced meditators to rise off the ground.
Altering Brain Frequency: Prolonged meditation is known to change our brain’s frequency, leading to heightened consciousness. Some practitioners believe that such transformations may enable levitation, although there is no definitive science to prove it.
Manipulating Magnetic Fields: Another concept revolves around manipulating the Earth’s magnetic field. Some believe advanced meditators possess the ability to align their energy with that of the Earth, somehow causing an anti-gravitational effect. Though fascinating, this idea remains speculative rather than proven.
Quantum Physics and Mind-over-Matter: Finally, some refer to findings in quantum physics as a potential explanation. They argue that the mind, deeply interconnected with the universe, can exert control over physical laws like gravity. Again, this is a matter of philosophical speculation, not a quantifiable fact.
Remember, these concepts largely emanate from the realms of mysticism and spirituality, and have yet to find firm footing within the constraints of empirical science.
Possible Techniques of Levitation During Meditation
Learning the art of levitation through meditation often starts with mastering mindful meditation techniques to create a deep state of relaxation and concentration. Here are some acclaimed approaches, although it’s important to note they lack scientific validation.
1. Advanced Yogic Practices: Some yogis claim mastery over a technique called “Laghima”, one of the eight siddhis or spiritual powers in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, said to make the body light enough to levitate.
2. Transcendental Meditation: Known as the ‘Yogic Flying’, practitioners meditate deeply, aiming to achieve a state of ‘pure consciousness’. It’s believed this stage brings the lightness to levitate.
3. Energy Manipulation: Another method focuses on manipulating the “life force”, or Qi/Chi, in one’s body. By directing this energy downward, it theoretically counters the force of gravity.
4. Visualization Techniques: The mind’s power to affect physical reality is the premise for this technique. Practitioners visualize intense lightness or floating, hoping the body will follow the mind’s instinct.
Each technique requires an immense level of mental discipline, focus, and often many years of practice.
Scrutinizing the Credibility of Levitation Claims in Meditation
When it comes to confirming the authenticity of levitation claims within the realm of meditation, it’s essential to consider a few key points:
Firstly, scientific evidence is yet to directly support the occurrence of levitation during meditation. Most reports of these phenomena are anecdotal and often lack substantial empirical backing.
Secondly, many of these claims originate from traditional cultures where supernatural abilities are attributed to practitioners with profound meditative skills. However, these narratives should be cautiously interpreted due to possible biases and cultural embellishments.
Lastly, thorough scientific investigations on alleged levitators have been scarce and the results, inconclusive. On numerous occasions, states of “hovering” or “levitation” have been alternatively explained by psychological techniques like hypnosis, or physiological phenomena like muscular contractions.
In essence, while levitation claims in meditation indeed pique interest, they require meticulous scrutiny for their credibility.
Addressing Skepticism: Evaluating the Reality of Levitation in Meditation
Despite the fascinating tales and encouraging testimonies, it’s crucial to approach levitation during meditation with a grounded perspective. Debunking some of these tales can give us a more realistic view:
1. Lack of Verifiable Evidence: Despite numerous claims, no scientifically verifiable evidence supporting the possibility of levitation through meditation has been presented. No case of levitation has been observed and validated under controlled conditions.
2. Explanations from Physics: Laws such as gravity, which are universally accepted principles of physics, do not support the phenomenon of levitation. While there are forces that can temporarily counteract gravity, achieving this through meditation is not consistent with our understanding of these principles.
3. Sensory Illusions: Some experiences reported as levitation may be sensory illusions or altered states of consciousness resulting from intense meditation. Such subjective experiences can be very vivid, making them seem real to the experiencer, but they do not imply the actual physical suspension of the body.
4. Inconsistency in Reports: The inconsistency in reports can shed light on the credibility of levitation in meditation. There are variations in the specifics of the height, duration, and conditions under which levitation purportedly occurs.
5. The Role of Beliefs: Many practitioners coming from a spiritual or religious background strongly believe in the possibility of levitation. However, belief in a concept does not necessarily make it scientifically valid or universally applicable.
Can you float while meditating?
Yes, you can meditate while floating, specifically focusing on your breathing and heartbeats, achieved easier with the use of earplugs.
How to do levitation meditation?
Levitation meditation is performed by taking deep breaths, progressively relaxing, releasing heavy emotions, grounding oneself to the earth, and then envisioning personal ascension or 'flight'.
When I meditate I feel like I'm floating?
Experiencing a feeling of floating during meditation indicates that you've entered a deeper state of meditation, signifying a successful reduction in your brain wave speed.
Is it possible to do levitation?
No, according to current scientific understanding, human levitation is not possible.
What is the science behind levitation during meditation?
While there are historical accounts and cultural beliefs mentioning levitation during meditation, scientific evidence does not support the possibility of physical levitation through meditative practices.
Are there any real-life instances of levitation during meditation?
While some practitioners claim to have experienced levitation during meditation, there is to-date no scientifically verified real-life instance of this phenomenon.
How might the sensation of floating affect your meditation practice?
The sensation of floating can enhance your meditation practice by promoting deep relaxation, reducing stress, and fostering a heightened sense of mindfulness.